In-Air Emergencies Can Cause Lasting Trauma

Extreme turbulence, a blown-out door, an engine on fire: For passengers and crew members who have experienced in-air emergencies, the pain endures.

Chef Nadia Sammut Aims to Educate About How Food Affects the Earth

Through her restaurant in France and her academy, Nadia Sammut aims to teach people about how their food choices can harm — or help — the planet.

An Indigenous Woman Helps Her People Address Climate Change

Having grown up in Chad, Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim has taken on the cause of negotiating for her community at the international level.

Eriel Tchekwie Deranger Seeks Climate Policy That Works With the Land

Eriel Tchekwie Deranger works to empower Indigenous peoples to lead the way on climate justice and decolonize environmental policy.

Are All These U.N. Climate Talks Doing Any Good?

What the U.N. negotiations, known as COP, can (and can’t) do to combat climate change.

Newsom Challenges Trump on Electric Vehicle Tax Credits

Gov. Gavin Newsom said California would fill the void for residents if the Trump administration killed a $7,500 E.V. tax credit.

Maine Becomes the Latest State to Sue Oil Companies Over Climate Change

In a new lawsuit, the state’s attorney general claims oil companies deceived the public about fossil fuel products’ contributions to climate change.

Can RFK Jr. Limit Ozempic Access as HHS Chief? Here’s What to Know

President-elect Donald J. Trump is set to nominate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Health and Human Services Department, where he would have limited power over drugs.
