How to (Gently) Set Boundaries During the Holidays

Experts share tips for minimizing irritation and avoiding intrusive questions.

Did Trump Drain Democrats’ Energy? These Races Will Be the First Test.

As Democrats try to fire up their fatigued base, two contests for the Virginia legislature will serve as the first measure of partisan enthusiasm since Donald J. Trump’s victory.

Game Time in Philadelphia: Vote Looms for New 76ers Arena Near Chinatown

The mayor and labor unions say the $1.3 billion basketball arena would be an economic boost. But the city acknowledges that Chinatown could be at risk.

At M.I.T., Black and Latino Enrollment Drops Sharply After Affirmative Action Ban

Asian American students made up almost half of the 2028 class — the first admitted since the end of affirmative action.

Black Enrollment Drops at 2 Elite Colleges Post-Affirmative Action

Amherst College and Tufts University saw drops in the number of Black students after a Supreme Court decision ending affirmative action. At other schools, the picture is murkier.

U.N.C. Reports Declines in Black and Hispanic Enrollment

Along with Harvard University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was one of two schools defending affirmative action in Supreme Court cases last year.

Harvard’s Black Student Enrollment Declines After Affirmative Action

Defying expectations, a Supreme Court decision curtailing race-based admissions still had a relatively small impact at some highly selective schools like Harvard, even as other schools saw big changes.

What to Know About How an Affirmative Action Ban Affected Colleges

Here is what we know about the effects of the Supreme Court’s decision curtailing race-based admissions at selective universities. And why many experts and administrators are baffled.

Yale, Princeton, Duke Are Questioned Over Decline in Asian Students

The legal group that won a Supreme Court case that ended race-based college admissions suggested it might sue schools where the percentage of Asian students fell.
